Tennessee Ministries

We care about you and want to provide you with the encouragement and support you need. Below are various ministries created to build and strengthen your relationships while pointing you towards Jesus! Click a ministry below for more information.

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Women’s Ministries | Men’s Ministries | Mentorship Ministry | Small Groups | Care & Support

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

Matthew 18:20 NIV

Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry exists to make disciples of Jesus. We believe discipleship is defined by helping other men live a life that looks more like Jesus as we follow Him. The best discipleship happens in the context of relationships, and Jesus proved this. He poured his time, energy, and heart into twelve men through one-on-one friendships. And these twelve men went on to change the entire world. The world around us may not see Jesus for who He is until they see what He’s done for us.

Women's Ministry

The heart of GLOW Women’s Ministry is for every woman in the church to know that she is known and seen by God and to feel the same within her community! We desire to be a group of women who stand together and aren’t afraid to do life with one another; to be women who hold one another up through trials and celebrate with one another in joy!

Mentorship Ministry

Connection and genuine friendship seem harder and harder to come by in our culture today. Feeling isolated and alone can make our current struggles and challenges feel impossible to overcome.

Mentorship Ministry helps people connect one-on-one or couple-to-couple and build genuine friendships and lasting relationships.

Encouraging everyone involved to grow as disciples and followers of Jesus.

Small Groups

Jesus poured into and changed the lives of 12 men through smaller and more intimate gatherings. These same men would not only become Jesus’ best friends, but they would carry on his ministry and change the world.

As a church, we want to follow Jesus’ example. Community and deep friendships will be the heart of our church. And like the first 12 disciples, small groups will be the avenue through which God will disciple and change us so that we can impact the world around us!

Check out our open small groups by clicking the button below!

Care and Support Ministry

There’s no way around it: life can be complex and filled with unexpected challenges. However, we fully believe what the Bible says: God works in every situation for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose, and even during those challenging moments, God desires to continue to build our faith. The Care & Support Ministry at Skyline Tennessee exists to love on and be a support system to those who find themselves in a season of life where they may be overwhelmed with transitions or drastic life changes. At Skyline, one of our core values is “You Will Never Walk Alone,” and our Care & Support Ministry desires to be a tangible experience of precisely that.

Email: caretn@skylinechurch.org