Small Groups

Jesus poured into and changed the lives of 12 men through smaller and more intimate gatherings. These same men would not only become Jesus’ best friends, but they would carry on his ministry and change the world. 

As a church, we want to follow Jesus’ example. Community and deep friendships will be the heart of our church. And like the first 12 disciples, small groups will be the avenue God will disciple and change us so that we can impact the world around us!

Open Groups

Brentwood Bible Study
wednesdays | 6pm

Jake & Samantha Bauchmann lead this group for people in the Brentwood area looking for fellowship and building a deeper relationship with Jesus. Kids are welcome!

College Grove Women's Bible Study
thursdays | 9am

Cori Espelet leads this group of women looking for friendship and encouragement to follow Jesus daily. Childcare provided!

Franklin Bible Study
mondays | 6pm

Sam & Cecily Bauchmann lead this group for people in the Franklin area looking for fellowship and building a deeper relationship with Jesus. Kids are welcome!