Skyline Christian Academy

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6


We believe parents have the right and responsibility to educate their children as they see best and as God has directed. Parents have the most control over this in a homeschool-type setting because the parent knows what their children are learning. Parents will make all the educational decisions for their children.


We are excited to begin tours in preparation for Fall 2025 enrollment!  We will begin accepting applications  for new families February 24, 2025. 


If you are inquiring about transferring to Skyline Christian Academy for the 2024/2025 Academy Year, please email: and we would be happy to discuss the process.

Join Us For A Tour!

If you are considering Skyline Christian Academy for your child, we encourage you to join us for a tour. Tours will be offered based on grade level.


Secondary Tours (6th – 12th): 8:30 a.m.

Thurs., Feb 6th

Wed., Feb 26th


Elementary Tours (K – 5th): 8:30 a.m.

Wed., Feb 5th


Kindergarten Readiness: 8:30 a.m.

Wed, Feb 12th, 8:30 a.m.

We are looking forward to offering a Kinder Readiness Meeting & Tour. In this meeting we will focus on incoming Kindergarten families and everything you can expect. We will also share more details regarding preparing your child for their kindergarten experience.  Sign up to join us on February 12th for this Kindergarten-specific tour.

SCA Details and Information

Skyline Christian Academy, a homeschool hybrid:

Parents are their own private school and will file a simple Private School Affidavit (PSA) each year with the state to protect themselves and the SCA ministry. Support will be provided to guide parents through this process. As a private school, parents will hold all their children’s records, attendance, and grades. Trainings will be provided to help parents with record keeping. SKYLINE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY will not maintain records.

Skyline Church wants the freedom to support families and their children in growing and learning in all subject areas with a Biblical worldview embedded. We want to support parents in raising up the next generation for the Lord and protecting the freedoms of our parents and children. SKYLINE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY a ministry open to Skyline Church Members as well as families who are active in a local church community.

Skyline Church members become the intergenerational community that will come alongside the parents to help raise, mentor and teach our children.

SKYLINE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY is a ministry, not a school. All staff members and all volunteers must pass an extensive background check. All employees will complete a rigorous background check. All of the teachers and support staff will be interviewed first by SCA leadership and then with Skyline pastors. There will be ongoing review processes and monitoring of all the adults in this ministry.


If you have questions, you can reach us by phone: 619-415-5446, or via email:

Meet Our Team

Dana Siegel

Academy Director

Eleanora Miller

Academy Site Director